

来源:渊学通      发布时间:

  今年申请季,藤校在大陆学生中的录取少之又少,充分展现了藤校的“高冷”气质(In this year‘s application season, the admission of rattan school among mainland students is very few, which fully shows the “high cold“ temperament of rattan school),不过近日美国普林斯顿大学居然高调宣布:将扩大本科招生规模,让更多的优秀的申请者进入普林斯顿大学。而且,这一计划从本申请季(2022年秋季入学)就执行!

  这无疑是一个良性信号!普林斯顿大学一直坚持小而精的教育(This is undoubtedly a benign signal! Princeton University has always adhered to small and precise education),严格控制入学人数,在美国属于录取难度非常大的学校,录取率不到4%。

  普林斯顿大学的招生办主任卡伦·理查森表示,普林斯顿每年的新生班级指标是1,300人(Karen Richardson, director of admissions at Princeton University, said that Princeton‘s annual freshman class target is 1300,),但是符合普林斯顿严格学术课程要求的申请人却达到了18,000人。也就是说现实十分“残酷”,招生官要对90%完全符合普林斯顿要求的学生说“不”。

  基于本次扩招, 学校一方面将会逐渐增加教员数量,另一方面学校从2018年起开始新建了两个住宿学院(Based on this enrollment expansion, the school will gradually increase the number of teachers on the one hand, and on the other hand, the school has built two accommodation colleges since 2018),目前如期完工。普林斯顿大学计划在未来几年,将本科转校生的规模从当前的40人增加至100人;每年录取的转入学生将从目前的10-25人提高到25-35人。


  2021年3月29日,莱斯大学宣布至2025秋季学期前,计划扩招20%(Rice University announced that it plans to expand its enrollment by 20% by the fall semester of 2025)也就是新增4,800个本科学生名额。

  2021年8月8日,哥伦比亚大学宣布扩招工程学院和本校的本科学生(Columbia University announced to expand the enrollment of undergraduate students from the school of engineering and the University),虽然扩招具体数字还没确定下来,但据小道消息,至少会扩张5%-20%左右。



  一系列扩招计划似乎在告诉我们,在未来,美国大学将会欢迎更多的学生入读优质院校(A series of enrollment expansion plans seem to tell us that American universities will welcome more students to high-quality colleges in the future),也会有更多符合美国大学录取要求的学生获得更多机会,接触到国际教育资源,这对于留美家庭来说,是个非常有利的趋势!



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