Top 10: Business 商务
上榜原因:A-Level商务这门课不仅能让你对现代商业有一个基本的认识和了解,还能让你知道商业机构是如何运作发展的(This course can not only give you a basic understanding of modern business, but also let you know how business organizations operate and develop)。
Top 9: Geography 地理
上榜原因:A-Level地理是一门跟生活紧密相关的科目,它能帮我们深入理解当下很多热点问题(Geography is a subject closely related to life. It can help us deeply understand many hot issues at present),比如气候变化,全球变暖,世界资源分配等。
Top 8: Further Mathematics 进阶数学
上榜原因:A-Level进阶数学难归难,但是含金量是真的高(A-level advanced mathematics is difficult to return, but the gold content is really high),如果你意向申请数学类专业,统计类专业,精算专业还有人工智能专业等,大多数的大学都会要求你有进阶数学成绩。
Top 7: Physics 物理
上榜原因:A-Level物理是未来想学习理工科专业同学的必选课程(A-level physics is a required course for students who want to study science and Engineering in the future),除此之外,学习物理能帮我们更好地认识这个世界,更能锻炼逻辑思维能力,是公认的的硬核基础学科。
Top 6: Economics 经济
上榜原因:Alevel经济是非常有用的一门学科,不仅包括大体的经济运行规律(Alevel economics is a very useful discipline, which includes not only the general laws of economic operation),更重要的是教给学生一种全新的成本收益分析和有限资源最优选择效益最大化的考虑问题的思维方法。
Top 5: Psychology 心理学
上榜原因:A-Level心理学是一门研究人类行为和其背后动机的学科,除了理论学习还有机会接触各种各样的人,做很多有趣的实验(In addition to theoretical study, there are also opportunities to contact all kinds of people and do many interesting experiments),所以很多宝宝们认为这是一门非常有意思的学科。
Top 4: History 历史
上榜原因:A-Level历史是所有社会学科里最受欢迎的,通过学习这门课程锻炼的写作和分析能力,能够让你轻松应对大学里的各种作业和论文(By learning this course, you can exercise your writing and analysis skills, which can make you easily deal with all kinds of assignments and papers in the University)。
Top 3: Chemistry 化学
上榜原因:A-Level化学是意向申请化学类,医学类和部分理工类专业的必选课程,很多大学的生物类专业也会要求申请者必修化学(Required courses for medical and some science and engineering majors, and biology majors in many universities will also require applicants to take chemistry as a compulsory course)。
Top 2: Biology 生物
上榜原因:A-Level生物能让我们更好的认识我们共同的家园--地球(Biology can make us better understand our common home - the earth),还能培养学生的社会意识和环境意识。
Top 1: Mathematics 数学
上榜原因:A-Level数学的重要性,我们说过不止一遍了,几乎所有的热门专业都要求申请者必修数学(Almost all popular majors require applicants to have compulsory mathematics),包括理工类,数学类,经济类和商科类等等。