相信大家也了解,雅思口语和写作向来是我们的薄弱项(As you know, IELTS speaking and writing have always been our weaknesses),尤其是雅思口语,经常都是在考场上“一顿操作猛如虎,结果出来5.5”,明明看着考官跟你互动也很开心(Mingming is also very happy to see the examiner interact with you),为什么出来分数这么低呢?于是很多人便开始下判断:这应该就是考官压分了,自己的实力水平绝不仅此。
如果学姐告诉你,之前身边还有同学考了4次雅思,不止在国内两个城市,还辗转到了泰国和越南去参加雅思考试(Other students took the IELTS test four times, not only in two cities in China, but also transferred to Thailand and Vietnam to take the IELTS test),前后包括考试报名费和住宿费一共花了3万块,也还是没将口语分数刷到6分。你又会怎么判断呢?
了解过雅思考官的考核就知道,如果在后面的检查中发现雅思考官给你的分数与他们重新检查的分数有差异(After learning about the IELTS examiner‘s assessment, you will know that if you find that the score given by the IELTS examiner is different from that rechecked by them in the subsequent inspection),ta很有可能就面临被开除的风险!所以大家要好好想想,考官为什么要冒着被开除的风险给那么多人压分?是闲着没事做吗?
发音问题跟口音问题并不是一码事(Pronunciation problems are not the same as accent problems),口音重不重不是关键,毕竟就连英国不同地区的人都有不同口音(Accent is not the key, after all, even people in different parts of the UK have different accents),但并不影响大家互相之间交流。这就好像你也听得懂“四川普通话”和“广东普通话”一样。
但发音问题是指语音语调没有起伏、单词可能念不准等等,导致影响考官理解,甚至会让考官觉得你是在背诵答案(However, pronunciation problems refer to that there is no fluctuation in pronunciation and intonation, words may not be read correctly, etc., which will affect the examiner‘s understanding and even make the examiner feel that you are reciting the answer),口语考试本身就是考察你的交流能力,如果你的抑扬顿挫不对、单词重音发不对、单词也念不准的话,就很影响双方之间的交流。
如果你整体发音不存在理解障碍,但是停顿不自然且停顿较多(If you have no difficulty understanding the whole pronunciation, but the pauses are unnatural and more pauses),也会让考官感觉特别奇怪。这可能是因为你习惯想到哪里说到哪里,想到多少就蹦出多少个单词,完全不理会整体表达是否流畅、停顿是否自然。
这种情况下说出来be like :
Sleeping can …help us to…… relax ……. our whole body including our ………. brain and muscles which ……. have been working ………all day ……. long.
本来一句话可以完整连下来的,但是现在因为转换成英文表达后只能想到一点说一点(Originally, a sentence could be connected completely, but now, after being converted into English, I can only think of and say a little),导致连贯性极差,你说起来难受,考官听起来更难受。。。
除了这种停顿以外,还有很多同学会在口语考试中用很多“emm”...“ahh...”这种口头禅,用多了以后也会造成连贯性缺失(Using too much will also lead to lack of coherence),尤其是在Part 2这种长段独白,考官没法一下get到你的关键内容,这样想要突破5.5分的瓶颈也是一件很困难的事。
很多同学在Part 1和Part 3部分问题上,只会回答Yes/No;在Part 2中的回答不够2分钟,这都有可能让你的分数值停留在5.5分(Many students can only answer yes / no on Part 1 and Part 3 questions; The answer in part 2 is less than 2 minutes, which may keep your score at 5.5),雅思口语考试考察了考生能否就相关话题进行详尽的讨论,这绝非简单的 yes 或 no 所能回答的。
而在Part 2的描述中,说不够2分钟,可能是因为你的细节不够突出(In the description of Part 2, it is said that it is not enough for 2 minutes, perhaps because your details are not prominent enough),如果能够加上详细的例子和细节描述,故事丰满度就会更好,也不会担心自己说不够2分钟。
举个例子,比如有个话题是Describe a person you admire.一个学生大概说的是:“他是我的父亲,是一个公司高管,他工作能力强,并且对我很友善。”
而另一个学生如果说的是:“他是我的父亲,在阿里巴巴上班,是做互联网和媒体运营的高管(He is my father. He works in Alibaba and is an executive in Internet and media operations),每年双11都很忙,但是给大家的网购带来了很多快乐,他总是很能理解公司的用意,虽然他每天很忙碌,但总是会抽出时间带我跟母亲去自驾游。”
在雅思口语评分标准中,有提到希望大家能够灵活地使用丰富多样的词汇谈论各种话题(In the IELTS speaking scoring standard, it is mentioned that I hope you can flexibly use rich and diverse vocabulary to talk about various topics),但是很多同学往往容易走极端,刻意使用一些高级词汇,或者是比较生僻的词汇,以显示自己词汇的丰富度,简称“炫技”
但是,口语主要是为了交际,考察的是大家的沟通交际能力,能够让人理解才是最重要的(Oral English is mainly for communication. It examines everyone‘s communication skills. Being able to make people understand is the most important),如果你是为了“炫技”而使用了一些不恰当的生僻词汇,这样不但得不到高分,反而还会被扣分!
除了上述问题以外,还有一些老生常谈的问题包括背诵模板、回答跑题等问题,考官也不是第一次听见那些模板了(In addition to the above questions, there are some old-fashioned questions, including reciting templates and answering questions that deviate from the topic. It‘s not the first time for examiners to hear those templates),还有一些素材内容考官都听出茧子了——一提到明星就是周杰伦、一提到成功的人就是马云...
这些素材不是不可以说,只是如果你本来用的是老素材(These materials can‘t be said, but if you used old materials),加上表达还出现各种问题,考官难免会认为你就是在背答案,这就违背了雅思口语考试本身的目的——英语交流。
所以大家一定要避免上述问题(Therefore, we must avoid the above problems),如果觉得自己把控不了也可以找雅思口语老师帮你专门指导改正一下,才能帮助你更好地进行练习。