IB成绩越来越受名校青睐,承认IB成绩的学校也越来越多,其成绩也逐渐成为各大学衡量学生水平的标准(More and more schools recognize IB scores, and their scores have gradually become the standard for universities to measure the level of students),今天小渊就为大家带来关于IB化学与AP化学的区别,希望能够帮助大家。
从内容上讲,IB和AP的化学各有侧重,IB考察范围比AP化学广泛,知识体系更全面。两者主要重合的部分在于物化部分,IB化学中对应的章节是能量学,在整个考试中占比不大(The main overlap between the two lies in the physicochemical part. The corresponding chapter in IB chemistry is energetics, which accounts for a small proportion in the whole exam);但AP化学考试题尤其重视该部分内容的考察深度,如热力学,化学平衡和反应速率等内容,IB化学中很重要的有机化学,过渡金属和仪器分析等在AP化学中却几乎没有涉及到。
总体而言,IBDP考察的内容全面,分布均衡,包含了欧美主流大学化学类专业主干课程的大部分知识点(It contains most of the knowledge points of the main courses of Chemistry Majors in mainstream universities in Europe and America),因为知识量较大,虽然题目难度一般,但拿6、7分的高分比AP化学拿满分5分更难,与之对应的是,IB课程体系在全球高校的知名度和对学生成绩优劣的区分度都更高。
大多数自然科学家均认为,化学是21世纪中自然科学里的中心学科,它是学好相关学科所必备的基础与工具(Chemistry is the central discipline of Natural Science in the 21st century. It is the necessary foundation and tool to learn related disciplines well),具体来说,选IB化学可以为在大学里选修营养学、药学、生物学和环境科学等专业打下扎实的知识基础,也有利于帮助高中同学积累常用的实验技能和处理信息、分析解决问题的能力(It also helps high school students accumulate common experimental skills and the ability to process information, analyze and solve problems)。
积累词汇量,同学们需要多积累英文的化学专业词汇、符号、方程式,才能准确理解化学知识(Students need to accumulate more English chemistry Vocabulary, symbols and equations in order to accurately understand chemistry knowledge)。
团队合作与独立完成简单化学实验的能力,IB化学课程非常重视实验操作和团队合作(IB chemistry course attaches great
importance to experimental operation and
分析处理信息的能力,IB化学里必考章节中有仪器分析等内容,要想在这部分表现良好,就要培养好利用数学和物理等知识收集的实验信息(If we want to perform well in this part, we must cultivate the experimental information collected by using the knowledge of mathematics and physics),得出实验结果。
充分的想象力,化学里有些考察内容如原子结构、电荷排布、反应中间体、化学平衡等较为抽象的内容(There are some abstract contents in chemistry, such as atomic structure, charge arrangement, reaction intermediates, chemical equilibrium and so on),要想对这些内容有较好地理解与掌握必须动用我们的想象力将之与熟悉的事物进行类比,辅助记忆。
批判性思考的能力,化学里的很多理论定理并不成熟,适用范围非常有限,只有质量守恒、原子守恒、电荷守恒等理论具有普适性(Many theories and theorems in chemistry are not mature and their scope of application is very limited. Only the theories of mass conservation, atomic conservation and charge conservation are universal)。这就启发我们在学习IB知识时带有批判性的眼光去理解与审视所学的理论,厘清理论的适用范围和局限性以及各种理论之间的异同点。