一篇4000字的Extended Essay对许多没有研究经验的Candidates来说,无异一场噩梦。所不同的是,有些噩梦山水渐分,柳暗花明;有些噩梦渐行渐远,进而荒腔走板;而有些噩梦则是从一开始就注定是场悲剧。
To what extent did the recession of the 1970s compare to the one that began in 2008 in the US? 首先,经济EE不怎么欢迎经济史题材的文章,其次将1970年代的经济危机与2008的危机比,比什么?不清楚。这样的文章很容易写成啥都装,啥都泛泛而谈的大篮子。自然可以搞砸。
To what extent does income elasticity exist within the demand for further education in England? 这位同学,你觉得你能算出YED和英国教育的关系吗?数据从哪里来?自己做Survey么?恐怕连你自己也不信能得到数据,自然可以砸死Examiner。
To what extent does piracy affect the revenue of the music industry? 同上,讨论对象范围不清,到底是一个地区?一个国家?还是全球的music industry? 这么含糊,当然得搞砸。
Is the photography business, with speicial reference to the British Virgin Islands, a pratical profession for a young person to persue? 老实说,从标题看,还真看不出一个讨论pratical profession的题目跟Eco有啥关系?想不砸都难。
The economic and overall feasibility of photovolatic solar energy technologies: A look at their history, present situation and future potential. 大,讨论对象实在是太大了,自然难以Hold住,Hold不住自然可以砸。
1、To what extent does methamphetamine prove to be economically problematic for the hospitals, police task forces, and casinos of Las Vegas, Nevada? 2、What is the underground economy and how is it developing? 这两个标题搞砸的姿势是一样一样的。通常情况下,像sexual industry, drugs这样的边缘题材酷炫得很,Bling~~Bling的。不过这样的题材也暗示Examiner,这很可能是一个infeasible的研究,只要翻翻first-hand data和second-hand data就知道做得怎么样了。难度之大,通常有八成的把握可以搞砸。
Global socio-economic problems of the world economy. 看标题就知道这位Candidate胸怀天下,致力于拯救整个人类。不过,请问这题的Research Question是什么?
讲了这么多,你明白怎样从标题搞砸你的Eco EE了吗?
To what extent has the 2012 minimum wage rate increase had negative effects on locally owned and operated restaurants/foodservices in Nova Scotia, Canada?
How has the accession of China into the World trade Organization contributed to its export industries and economic growth?
Does the current market form of the telecommunication industry in Kattameya, Cairo allow for efficiency?