A-level经济Accelerator effect知识点, 提到A-level经济学,很多人都会觉得它就是一门和数学相关的科目,其实它所涵盖的内容面十分广泛,如果你是那种好奇心比较强的人,喜欢思考并想培养分析能力,那么这个学科中你所get到的技能,可以为你将来的职业生涯开辟一条宽阔的道路但也有不少人痛苦于A-level经济的难度,觉得太难学了,其实,只要找到合适的学习途径方法,经济其实并不是一个难拿高分的科目。
今天,将带大家深入分析考试中的概念难点,很多同学在学习A2经济的时候会非常疑惑accelerator effect,今天我们就来聊一聊accelerator effect。
What is the accelerator effect?
The accelerator effect happens when an increase in national income (GDP) results in a proportionately larger rise in capital investment spending we often see a surge in capital spending by businesses when an economy is growing quite strongly.
How can the accelerator effect come about?
Consider an industry where demand is rising at a strong pace ,Firms will respond to growing demand by expanding production and making fuller use of their existing productive capacity,They may also choose to meet higher demand by running down their stocks of finished products.
If this investment goes beyond what is needed simply to replace worn out,the demand for capital goods is being driven by the demand for the products that the firm is supplying to the market,This gives rise to the accelerator effect - the principle states that a given change in demand for consumer goods will cause a greater percentage change in demand for capital goods.
A further criticism of the basic accelerator model is that it ignores the spare capacity that a business might have at their disposal and also their ability to outsource production to other businesses to meet a short term rise in demand,explaining the importance of the Capital Output Ratio,The accelerator model works on the basis of a fixed capital to output ratio.
How does the accelerator effect help to explain the economic cycle,The accelerator principle is used to help explain business cycles,the accelerator theory suggests that the level of net investment will be determined by the rate of change of national income.
If national income is growing at an increasing rate then net investment will also grow, but when the rate of growth slows net investment will fall,there will then be an interaction between the multiplier and the accelerator that may cause larger fluctuations in the trade cycle.
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