

来源:渊学通      发布时间:


01核心数学1-Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)

02代数和函数; Algebra and functions 二次函数; Quadratic functions

03等式和不等式; Equations and inequalities

04画图(草图);Sketching curves

05平面坐标系中的坐标几何;Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane

06数列;Sequences and series

07积分;Integration 微分;Differentiation

核心数学2-Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)

01代数和函数; Algebra and functions

02正弦和余弦定理;The sine and cosine rule 指数和对数Exponential and logarithm

03平面坐标系中的坐标几何;Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane

04二项展开式;The binomial expansion

05弧度制及其应用;Rad measure and its application

06等比数列;Geometric sequences and series 三角函数的图形;Graphs of trigonometric functions

07三角恒等式和简单的三角等式;Trigonometric identities and simple equations

08积分;Integration 微分;Differentiation


       核心数学3-Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)

01分式代数;Algebra fractions


03指数函数和对数函数;The exponential and log functions 数值法;Numerical method

04函数的图形变换;Transforming graph of functions

05三角; Trigonometry 高级三角恒等式及其应用;Further trigonometric and their applications

06核心数学4-Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)

07平面坐标系中的坐标几何 Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane

08二项展开式The binomial expansion 部分分式Partial fractions

09向量Vectors   积分Integration  微分Differentiation




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