A-level辅导:现如今世界上的各个国家对教育是非常重视的,在一些发达国家,他们的课程体系是非常不错的,受到很多国家的欢迎(In some developed countries, their curriculum system is very good and welcomed by many countries),对于很多想要留学英国的同学们来说,学习和了解英国alevel课程是很有必要的,因为英国alevel课程是英国高中的结业成绩,相当于我们国家的高考成绩(Because the British alevel course is the completion result of British high school, which is equivalent to our national college entrance examination),在英国的高中生可以凭借alevel的成绩申报大学,所以在此之前我们需要对申请alevel国际高中要求有足够的了解。
A-Level课程适用于年龄在15—18之间,初中毕业以上的在校中学生或具有同等学历的职高生,通常国内A-level学校招收的是高二毕业的学生,并要求参加相关的入学考试(Usually, domestic A-level schools recruit students who have graduated from senior two and are required to take relevant entrance examinations),由于A-level课程包括教学及试卷习题等都是英文形式出现,所以这要求学生有较高的英文水平。
aleve分为两个阶段:AS Level –由15至17岁的学生参加;A2 Level–由17至18岁的学生参加。在每个阶段的最后,你都要参加特定的考试(At the end of each stage, you have to take a specific exam)。要进入更高的教育阶段,你必须通过这些考试。
1、学科优势:A-Level课程体系有70门课程可供选择,在科目选择上,既充分尊重兴趣,又充分考虑潜能(In the choice of subjects, we should not only fully respect interests, but also fully consider potential)。
2、语言优势:A-Level课程不要求必修文科课程,国外高校录取不分文理科,甚至欢迎跨学科报考(Foreign colleges and universities admit no arts and Sciences, and even welcome interdisciplinary applications)。
3、衔接优势:全英语教学,全面渗透批判性的理性思维并强调实践能力,与西方大学课程的衔接性较高(It fully penetrates critical rational thinking and emphasizes practical ability, and has a high connection with western university courses)。
4、考评模式:A-Level考试不是一考定终身,每年有两次考试,成绩不满意可补考,申报大学以较好的成绩为准(If you are not satisfied with the results, you can take a make-up examination. The application for University shall be subject to the better results)。