

来源:渊学通      发布时间:

  如果大学打算申请数学相关专业,那么可能需要参加STEP入学考试(If a university intends to apply for a major in mathematics, it may need to take the step entrance examination),STEP考试基于A-level数学和进阶数学教学大纲,试题风格接近本科数学。


  STEP虽然基于A-level大纲,但难度却远远高于A-level考试,考查的知识点更复杂,题目非常灵活(But the difficulty is much higher than the A-level test. The knowledge points are more complex and the questions are very flexible),想拿到满意成绩,必须要进行有针对性的备考和提升。


  Advanced Problems in Mathematics:

  Preparing for University

  这本书旨在帮助学生准备数学和科学相关专业的入学考试,包括 STEP考试。

  这是一本大学数学的入门书籍,能够帮助弥补高中数学和大学数学之间的鸿沟(This is an introductory book on College Mathematics, which can help bridge the gap between high school mathematics and college mathematics),为本科数学做准备。书中分析的问题都是基于往年的STEP真题,每题后面都有一个评论和一个完整的解题方案。

  评论会指出问题的关键点,将题目置于真正的数学语境中(The review will point out the key points of the problem and put the problem in the real mathematical context),解题方案将帮助学生独立和批判性的解决高等数学问题。

  Further Pure Mathematics


  这本进阶纯数书籍,涵盖了线性代数,矩阵,向量空间,逻辑等基础的理论(This advanced pure number book covers the basic theories of linear algebra, matrix, vector space, logic and so on),列举了大量的例子,图表清晰,而且有大量练习题,可以用于STEP2和STEP3的备考。

  Complex Numbers from A to ... Z

  这本书的目标读者是高中生和本科生。书中有大量的练习题和答案,有些取自奥数竞赛,对STEP的备考也很有帮助(There are a lot of exercises and answers in the book, some of which are taken from the Olympic mathematics competition, which is also very helpful for the preparation of step),书籍的前半部分深入的介绍了复数及其几何性质,第二部分汇总了大量练习题和解题方案。

  Problem-Solving Through Problems

  这本书关注的是本科数学中通常会遇到的解题技巧(It focuses on the problem-solving skills commonly encountered in undergraduate mathematics),并通过很多有趣的例子和问题来说明它们的使用。

  它既是问题集,又是教学手册,包含了700多个问题(It is both a problem set and a teaching manual, containing more than 700 questions),其中超过三分之一的问题都有详细的解题过程。

  书籍的目标是向读者展示一套简单的解题技术(The goal of the book is to show readers a set of simple problem-solving techniques),可以以不同的方式应用,来解决各种各样的问题。

  Linear Algebra Problem Book

  这是一本有关线性代数的问题书(This is a problem book about linear algebra),如果在代数方面有困难,可以选择这本书进行系统性的提升。

  它带学生一步一步地从基本公理,通向高级概念,如内积空间和正规性(It takes students step by step from basic axioms to advanced concepts, such as inner product space and normality),书中包含164个问题,每个问题都有提示,在书的后面有完整的解决方案。



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