数学,一门帮你走上人生巅峰的多金专业,在英国留学申请中一直都非常受欢迎(Mathematics, a multi gold major that helps you reach the peak of your life, has always been very popular in the application for study in the UK),要问英国数学专业谁最牛,牛剑当之无愧稳坐第一把交椅。
2022英国完全大学指南(CUG) 数学学科排名, 剑桥夺得英国第1 , 牛津惜败剑桥,位居第2(Cambridge took the first place in the UK and Oxford narrowly lost to Cambridge, ranking second)。
2022泰晤士报高等教育世界大学学科排名 ,牛津英国第1,剑桥位居第2(Oxford ranked first in the UK and Cambridge ranked second)。
2021QS世界大学学科排名 中 ,剑桥英国第1,牛剑位列第2(Cambridge ranks first in Britain and niujian ranks second)。
在这场数学王牌争霸赛中,剑桥以三局两胜击败牛津,成功揽得冠军宝座(In this mathematical ace competition, Cambridge defeated Oxford with two wins in three sets and won the championship)。
牛剑以外,G5的帝国理工和UCL也常年跻身数学TOP10院校榜单,同时也是数学学霸竞相申请的热门院校(At the same time, it is also a popular college for mathematics bullies to apply)。
除G5院校,英国还有许多在数学领域十分强势的老牌名校(There are also many established schools in the UK that are very strong in the field of mathematics),例如华威、爱丁堡和曼大都是几大主流榜单公认的数学牛校。
申请这几所顶尖学府,A-level至少要有2个A*,IB 最低39分,而且要求申请者参加STEP/MAT/TUMA等数学入学考试,A-level需要学习数学和进阶数学(A-level needs to learn mathematics and advanced mathematics)。
爱丁堡大学和曼大相比之下入学要求略微宽松。爱丁堡数学A-level要A*AA-A*AB,IB 34-37,要求A-level数学,没有入学考试要求(Edinburgh mathematics A-level requires a * aa-a * AB, IB 34-37, A-level mathematics is required, and there is no entrance examination requirement),曼大A-level A*AA,IB 37,A-level数学为必修科目,同样没有入学考试要求。
申请数学或数学相关专业,A-level数学是必修课,顶尖大学基本都要求数学科目达到A*(A-level mathematics is a compulsory course. Top universities basically require mathematics subjects to reach A*),个别院校还会要求进阶数学A*。
申请牛剑、帝国理工、华威和UCL,入学考试也发挥着重要作用,入学考试成绩的高低直接决定着你能否进入面试或拿到offer(The grade of the entrance examination directly determines whether you can enter the interview or get an offer),因此目标数学专业一定要重视对STEP、MAT和TUMA等入学考试的准备。
入学考试与A-level等学校课程大纲不同,测试学生数学知识的广度,题目设计非常灵活(Test the breadth of students‘ mathematical knowledge, and the topic design is very flexible),对学生的创造力和批判性思维能力有一定要求。
想拿到名校offer,不仅仅需要很高的A-level成绩,也需要多参加一些竞赛、项目、背景提升(Not only need high A-level scores, but also need to participate in more competitions, projects and background improvement),以及非常关键的语言成绩这一关一定要把握好。