

来源:渊学通      发布时间:

  相信想要出国留学的同学们应该知道雅思和托福的成绩有效期是2年,而GMAT和GRE的有效期却有5年(IELTS and TOEFL scores are valid for two years, while GMAT and GRE are valid for five years),今天小渊就来为大家详细解读一下有关雅思成绩有效期的相关问题。


  1. 最主要的原因是对于母语环境非英语的学生来说, 英语能力在两年内会有明显提高或降低(The main reason is that for non-English students in their mother tongue environment, their English ability will be significantly improved or reduced within two years),因此两年前的衡量很可能反映不出你现在的水平的。也许你几年没有说英语,早就忘光了。所以根据英语能力水平的变化,规定了两年的有效期,也就是说只能在这两年内申请留学或者移民。

  而GMAT、GRE不同于雅思托福这类语言考试, 更多考你对某一领域的逻辑和思维能力(Different from the language test such as IELTS and TOEFL, it tests your logic and thinking ability in a certain field)。以GMAT为例,作为商学院硕士入学考试,是当前最为可靠的测试考生是否具备顺利完成工商管理硕士项目学习能力的考试项目(It is the most reliable test item to test whether candidates have the ability to successfully complete the MBA program), 跟“语言考试”相比,这种“能力考试”随着时间的推移,影响不大。

  2. 把成绩有效期设置成2年也是因为有可能在这段时间里考试本身会产生比较大的改变(It is also possible that the examination itself will change greatly during this period of time),比如考试模式、结构、题型的变化等等。




  首先我们需要明确的是 雅思成绩自考试之日起两年内有效,注意,是考试之日(First of all, we need to make it clear that the IELTS score is valid for two years from the date of the exam. Note that it is the date of the exam),但是也不是就这么绝对, 部分院校会设置自己对雅思成绩的时间要求。例如:澳大利亚部分院校只承认开学前一年内考取的雅思成绩,需特别注意的是“开学前一年”,并非“递交申请前一年”。这些院校包括皇家墨尔本理工大学和新南威尔士大学(These institutions include the Royal Melbourne Institute of technology and the University of New South Wales)。

  校方给出的解释是,中国并非以英语为母语国家,学生在国内没有英语语言环境,如果长期不使用会使英文水平降低(The explanation given by the school is that China is not a native English speaking country. Students do not have an English language environment in China. If they do not use it for a long time, their English level will be reduced),在国外沟通生活会有障碍,也不利于将来到校的学习。因此,校方倾向接受学生短期内考取的雅思成绩。

  关于学校对雅思成绩有效期的要求需要去官网查询或者直接联系学校招生办的负责人(For the school's requirements on the validity period of IELTS scores, you need to go to the official website or directly contact the person in charge of the school's admissions office),一定要尽早了解清楚,安排好自己的考试时间,如果雅思成绩过了有效期,耽误申请就不好了。


  一般会有这样的疑问的人都不是为了出国,而是为了读研、进外企、参加海外项目之类的(Generally, people with such questions are not going abroad, but to study for graduate school, enter foreign enterprises, participate in overseas projects and so on),许多机构、单位都会用雅思成绩作为考核候选人的标准。那么,一个过期的雅思成绩到底能不能用呢? 这其实要分不同情况,如果有要求一般都会明确指出。


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