

来源:渊学通      发布时间:

  人人都推崇的IB学校好在哪?优势在哪?IB为全球学生开设了从幼儿园到大学预科的课程,是全球统一的学历认证框架并在全球统考(It is a globally unified academic certification framework and is in the global unified examination),注重学生发展的全面性。

  IB课程中会有大量的课外活动实践的要求,并且计入成绩。学生需要在设有的6个学科中各选择一门课程进行学习,并且至少要有3门课程是高等级(Students need to choose one course from each of the six disciplines, and at least three courses must be high-level)。每门分数的最高分数为7分,加上拓展论文与知识论文的3分奖励分数,满分为45分。

  通常IB考试总分获得30分,就可以申请进入英美澳中等以上的大学(Usually, if you get a total score of 30 points in the IB test, you can apply for admission to universities above Britain, America, Australia and China);38分以上可以尝试申请牛津剑桥及美国Top30大学。



  首先,IB课程更为系统,学生既要学习科学科目,又要学习人文科目(IB courses are more systematic. Students should study both science and humanities),还要有大量的时间去完成各种论文和参加社会活动,内容更全面。

  并且IB是全球公认难度较大、结构性较强的课程体系,不但凝缩了高中知识精粹(Moreover, IB is a globally recognized curriculum system with great difficulty and strong structure, which not only condenses the essence of high school knowledge),另外也兼具高校先修课,是国际公认的预科文凭,被世界上所有主流的大学认可。

  同时,拥有IB证书在求学的过程中能最大程度的避开受各国签证政策变化的影响(Having IB certificate can avoid the influence of visa policy changes in various countries to the greatest extent in the process of studying),省去很多麻烦,保障较高。


  在录取中,名牌大学录取IB毕业生比例较高,他们普遍认为IB课程是含金量最高的高中文凭从而选择优先录取(The proportion of IB graduates admitted to famous universities is high. They generally believe that IB course is the most valuable high school diploma, so they choose to be admitted first)。



  各个大学在政策上对IB毕业生也有规定。如果在高级课程中获得高分,学生可以免修课程、跳级、获得奖学金等,从而节省高昂的学费(If students get high scores in advanced courses, they can be exempted from courses, skip grades, obtain scholarships, etc., so as to save high tuition fees)。

  例如耶鲁大学对IB高等级考试获得6-7分的学生给予两项累计学分的奖励(相当于两门耶鲁大学的课程学分)。学生可利用这些累计学分或提前毕业,或直接越级到大二年级学习(Students can take advantage of these accumulated credits or graduate early, or directly skip to the sophomore year)。

  普林斯顿大学以 IB毕业生的考试成绩作为越级插班的唯一参考值(Princeton University takes the test results of IB graduates as the only reference value for skipping classes),通常各科高等级考试成绩6-7分者可准许越级插班。

  还有华盛顿大学、普林斯顿学院等等的一流大学都十分认可IB课程(There are also top universities such as the University of Washington and Princeton college that highly recognize IB courses)。



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