

来源:渊学通      发布时间:

  英国留学补考没过结局悲惨?看看怎么做其实出国留学更像是父母给我安排的一场任务,是他们精心计算回报率以后的一次投资(In fact, studying abroad is more like a task arranged by my parents. It is an investment after they carefully calculate the rate of return),我的作用就是要成功获得学位,成为一个有用的人,给到父母一场交代。也许父母从来也不关心我在这边的生活,他们也不知道我学习得怎么样,最终的秘密也即将守不住了。

  因为英国大学一直以来都是宽进严出的,不少同学都遇到了挂科引起的毕业的问题(Because British universities have always been lenient in and strict out, many students have encountered the problem of graduation caused by failing),Anna同学在英国就读本科大三,但是因为从大一以来陆陆续续挂了好几门课,现在大三因为学术成绩过低,学校通知她需要停学一年(Now, as a junior, she needs to be suspended for one year because of her low academic performance),然后才能回学校继续就读。其实娄同学很清楚,因为剩下的几门课程,自己都学得非常差,即使后续再回学校也很难顺利通过。就读了几年以后,Anna同学甚至对留学产生了阴影,不想再继续下去。

  后来Anna同学就把实情告诉了父母,父母知道以后,对她的心理状态非常担心(After the parents knew, they were very worried about her mental state),同时也担心她留学几年最终没有顺利毕业,回国以后什么都没有,应该怎么发展。

  其实不少家庭对留学是一知半解的,一旦父母预算充足,为了能让孩子卷过国内的同龄人(In fact, many families know little about studying abroad. Once their parents have a sufficient budget, in order to let their children get involved with their peers in China),巴不得给孩子脸上贴金,因此有机会去国外留学,为什么不去呢?不过留学也是有投资的风险性,因为国外大学大都是宽进严出的,许多同学进入院校以后,由于不适应学习模式等问题(Because most foreign universities are lenient and strict, many students do not adapt to the learning mode after entering the University),最终交了钱花了时间,但是却无法毕业。

  很多留学生初到陌生的国家,都无法快速适应新的语言和环境(Many foreign students are new to strange countries and can‘t quickly adapt to the new language and environment),再加上中西文化的差异等,很多留学生都会出现选错课程或者选错教授、课题上听不懂课、记不来笔记、课后无法独立完成作业、小组作业无法有效沟通、论文分数过低、应付不了考试等学术方面的困难,这些几乎都成为留学生无法顺利完成学业的阻碍。

  前段时间一个英国留学生留言,说自己在某大学大二升大三阶段,因为挂科的原因学校不让他继续就读大三(Some time ago, a British student left a message saying that he was in the sophomore to junior stage of a university, and the school wouldn‘t let him continue his junior year because of failing the course)。换言之,就是无法继续完成学业了。该事件目前还在申诉当中,但是学校一直拖着不给结果,同学也不知道怎么办才好。

  一般就只有通过转到其他院校继续本科学业(Generally, you can only continue your undergraduate studies by transferring to other colleges and universities),不过由于涉及转学分的问题,许多的学分都无法转过去,因此转学势必会从花费更多的时间和经济,投入的精力也将非常多。

  其实站在我的角度来说,如果不想转学花费更多的时间和精力去重修,其实这种情况下还可以选择直接申请硕士就读(If you don‘t want to transfer to another school and spend more time and energy on it, you can choose to apply for a master‘s degree directly in this case),通过一年的努力,用最短的时间取得学位成功逆袭。这种也不失为更加优质的选择。



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