随着英国留学人数的不断增多,A-Level考试也成为不少留学生选择的考试类别。A-Level分为70多个学科,大家通常会选择的数学、物理、化学等理科科目(A-level is divided into more than 70 disciplines. We usually choose mathematics, physics, chemistry and other science subjects),其实,A-level地理也是一个不错的选择。那么A-Level地理考试有哪些常见的考点呢?下面,和小渊一起来了解一下。
冰岛气候南北差异的原因?北侧受到东格陵兰寒流的影响,减温减湿,气候寒冷,南侧受到强大的北大西洋暖流的影响,增温增湿,气候较温凉湿润(The south side is affected by the strong North Atlantic warm current, which increases temperature and humidity, and the climate is warm, cool and humid)。
3.澳大利亚北部热带草原气候的成因?地处热带,全年高温。夏季受赤道低压带影响,降水较多,且气压带风带南移,东北信风过赤道后偏转为西北季风(In summer, affected by the equatorial low pressure zone, there is more precipitation, and the wind belt of the pressure zone moves south. After passing the equator, the northeast trade wind deflects into the northwest monsoon),风从海洋上吹来,带来降水。冬季,副高北移,受副热带高压带的控制,盛行下沉气流,炎热干燥。
5.澳大利亚南部热带草原气候的成因?地处热带地区,冬季受东南信风带的控制,炎热干燥;夏季受中纬西风的影响,降水较多(Affected by the mid latitude westerly wind in summer, there is more precipitation)。
6.澳大利亚东南部亚热带季风气候的成因?地处25oS~35oS的大分水岭的东侧迎风坡,受海陆热力性质差异的影响,夏季吹东南季风,降水较多,冬季吹西北季风,降水少(The southeast monsoon blows in summer with more precipitation, and the northwest monsoon blows in winter with less precipitation),太平洋沿岸受东澳大利亚暖流的影响,增温增湿,降水较多。形成亚热带季风性湿润气候。
7.澳大利亚东南部温带海洋性气候的成因?地处中纬地区,常年受中纬西风的影响,受海洋影响较大,终年温和湿润。澳大利亚东北部形成热带雨林气候的成因:处在亚热带大分水岭迎风坡,形成终年高温多雨的热带雨林气候(The causes of the formation of tropical rain forest climate in northeast Australia: it is located on the windward slope of the subtropical great watershed, forming a tropical rain forest climate with high temperature and rain all year round),澳大利亚中西部形成热带沙漠气候的成因:南回归线横贯大陆中部,中西部又是平原、高原地形,西岸有寒流流经,决定了中西部为热干的热带沙漠气候。
9.澳大利亚南回归线东西两岸气候差异的原因?西部:受副高和西澳大利亚寒流影响,降水稀少。东部:受季风、东南信风以及东澳大利亚暖流的影响,降水较多(East: affected by monsoon, southeast trade wind and East Australian warm current, there is more precipitation)。
西部:受强大的暖流影响,增温增湿,气候带的分布偏北;东部:受季风的影响较大,冬季受极地大陆气团的影响,气温较低,气候带的分布偏南(In winter, due to the influence of polar continental air mass, the temperature is low and the distribution of climate zone is southward)。